Persuasive Essay On The Creation Of The World

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“Being an atheist means coming to grip with reality. A meaningless universe does not mean we live our lives without purpose. The pointlessness of life is not a thing to be overcome, it is to be celebrated.”
This is the exact quote that I saw while scrolling through Instagram, from an atheist friend. “When you start to think in universal time spans, your perception of humanity must necessarily change. Differences of opinion seem pathetic. National borders become ridiculous. The only thing that starts to be important to me is material reality and understanding how it operates and how matter itself came into being in the first place.”
So the main question is, is it really worth it living for only these two factors; matter and material wealth? …show more content…

Are these creations really insignificant? Why are we placed on this planet which has abundant resources for survival, only by chance?
Modern science and technology are still perplexed about the mystery of life and our origin. We can simplify matters by understanding this: the origin of life itself is neither more amazing nor more complicated to understand than the origin of the universe. The whole universe with its miracles and mysteries points to its Creator.
“O company of Jinn and men! If you can penetrate (all) regions of the heavens and the earth then penetrate (them)! You will never penetrate them but with power or authority.” (55:33)
This is one of numerous verses from the Qur’an that has encouraged man to further study about the universe around us and marvel at the creation of our Lord and to never deny His existence which instead should allow us to strengthen our faith in Him. The study of astronomy should remind us of the vast universe and the power of our Creator. All of these celestial bodies are controlled in an orderly manner and work harmoniously with each other. There is a flawless order which is very clear in proving the presence of a Creator who is all the time in control, directing and managing this entire