The Reason Series Episode 1

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In the Reason Series episode one, the characters talked about our need for a creator. I knew that it is really hard to explain or prove God because we can’t see him. That is why so many people think that science has every answer because it makes sense and there is proof. But, the scientific method can’t prove God because it can only give us evidence of things that are in our universe. God is way beyond what our minds and data can comprehend, but science can tell us that we need someone to help create our universe and everything in it. Before watching this video, I never realized that God could never be completely ruled out. God is so great that even science can’t come close to understanding him. Episode 2 explained how scientists think our universe began. I believe that God started our universe and made it perfectly for us. Science has proven that our expanding universe needs to be started somehow. This just shows us that God created everything and makes everything possible. He gave us science so that we could discover amazing things about him and help us understand how we began. Throughout the video, I came to the conclusion that science can’t threaten God, it can only teach us more about him and the universe he created for us. …show more content…

The real answer to this question is a definite no, this is because the Bible is not a historical or scientific account. The Bible isn’t meant to be taken literally, because it is supposed to teach us about God’s love. Before watching this video, I never thought that evil was the absence of love, I thought it was its own separate concept. We were born to love others and God because of how much he loves us. It was also pointed out to me that theology tells us about his personality and what he has given to us. By the end of this video, I came to the understanding that you can believe in both theology and