Relationship Between Enlightenment And Scientific Revolution

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Theology is the study of religion, faith, God and God’s relation to the world. Science is the study of the world based off of experiments and observations. In the beginning the two were combined, both looked to answer and study the world and how it was created by God. As time went on things began to change. Science started looking for more substantial proof and information, while theology still relied on what could not be seen. Francis Bacon is the father of the scientific method and his way of thinking became wide spread amongst scientists everywhere. He believed that knowledge was discovered by gathering and analyzing data from the use of experiments and observations, rather than the popular ‘logical-based arguments’. Bacon also believed that it was time to move away from old/ancient philosophies and move more towards new methods and laws of nature. Another big thing Bacon did was pretty much override Aristotle’s way of thinking, deduction, and moved towards induction. Theology studies nature and God’s work on the world. This cannot really be observed or proved like science can. Which is why in today’s modern science the two are completely separate. God cannot be empirically observed and the existence of things in nature cannot be tested scientifically. In the time of the Enlightenment, this dispute of science and theology and what was right started. …show more content…

They both study how to world was created, but have different ways of going about it. Science studies the world based on experiments and observations. While theology studies the world based off of God’s relationship to creation. Many figures from the scientific revolution helped shape modern science today. People like Nicolaus Copernicus and Francis Bacon questioned everything and in the process discovered new information and gained