Essay On Science Vs Pseudoscience

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Science has been compared and discussed in many realms including religion and sociology. There have been theorists on both sides that have either agreed with the relationship between the two or offered explanation to deny its relevance. However, science and pseudoscience are comparable terms that relevance to one cannot be disputed. They are totally opposite from one another in which science removes beliefs and investigates to find fact; and pseudoscience encourages individuals to believe anything and that all beliefs are equally valid. The uncanny differences between the two are just mere definitions of the larger realm of science and pseudoscience. Science provides proof of existence by demonstrating the validity of findings by providing supporting evidence within a natural phenomenon. It also provides explanation to the “how” and also provides critical tests and valid results to support an explanation. On the other hand, …show more content…

This term is utilized when the allocation of spending and time advertising being “green” far exceeds what is spent actually on environmentally sound practices. The Federal Trade Commission is the governing body that has the right to prosecute companies or individuals that are found providing false and misleading advertisements. In Kamala D. Harris v. Enso Plastics, LLC, Aquamantra, Inc., Balance Water Company LLC, the California Attorney General filed an action against a producer of water bottles that claimed the bottles were biodegradable and recyclable. It was found that the bottles were neither biodegradable and recyclable, a direct violation of the California Business and Professions Code that prohibits untruthful, deceptive, or misleading environmental marketing claims and the Federal Trade Commission’s Guides for the Use of Environmental