The first three words of the Constitution already show that this country was created for the people’s voice to be heard. In a country forged by its citizens through hard work and bloodshed, where the very least that it can do to return the favor is by listening to their voice. Such a simple thing to do yet the government doesn’t seem to understand its importance. The time of electing a new leader is drawing near yet the people are still in the sidelines watching those in power decide what they think is best, and if lucky enough actually consider the people’s opinions. Why do the people of this country need to vote for someone to vote for a leader when they can just vote for themselves? A question some people never understand considering that the first words of the constitution are “We The People”. The Electoral College has been going on, for as long the US government existed. A system where only a few people can actually decide who becomes the new leader of the nation, a historic system founded when the people of the country was originally considered incapable of deciding for themselves. While more than two centuries have passed and the average intelligence of a person already bolted up, the same historic ruling is still in play. It’s almost an …show more content…
A rather funny and hideous answer to such a simple problem, since votes are no longer counted by hand this time of the century. Almost everything now is done electronically, which means counting those votes is as easy as putting a scantron sheet for a machine to read the answers and mark the errors in it. A technologically advanced country where counting votes from almost 300 million people should be easy, yet people of high political power refuse to do a