
Persuasive Essay On The Electoral College

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Who should run the country and why he should the one in power usually is the question that enter everyone’s mind before an election. The United States of America government runs by democracy but not just any democracy but by representative democracy. The easiest way to confuse the democracy the U.S. has is comparing it a direct democracy. A direct democracy is when you vote and it automatically goes to be counted into a decision being made in the government. The difference in way the U.S. democracy us run is that when you vote a representative looks and analyzes the votes and makes a decision from what he sees to be the better option in his eyes. Therefore the U.S. democracy is not truly democracy because its basically a representative type of government. The electoral college has had the final decisions in who becomes president and crucial rulings have been made in since the beginning of the electoral college. Why vote for the president you want if your vote won’t truly make a difference. Controversial ruling have been made to the point that people have began to question why vote if …show more content…

The reason why i’m choosing this topic is because the election that recently happened in the U.S. has been a very controversial. Understanding the decision of the electoral college will improve help me understand why they made this decision. The electoral college had the power to choose Hillary Clinton but chose Trump was it because the representatives in the electoral college saw benefit from a Trump being president because of financial issues. The U.S. is in debt and this makes me think did they pick Trump for the national debt to decrease to benefit the U.S. The electoral college had the option to disagree with the popular vote but did not do so. By looking at the articles on the election my view of the decision of the election of Trump should change my view on why he was

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