Persuasive Essay On The Electoral College

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The last major issue of the electoral college is representation, the people representing the common man for power position is government are nothing more than the rich in disguise, or converted rich men. Population of a state is not directly represented because each states gets three electoral votes no matter the population leaving states with not enough electoral college votes. This makes unfair representation between the people of the state and the states that represent them. Representation is also not in favor the common man for other reasons its not for us, but representation is for the incorporation of America. Because they are the ones who are affecting the most by election because it can be cause the failing of the company, which can cause 1000s job lost. But there needs to be share representation, to prevent to much control over are election. This is also why the electoral college needs to go away to stop this control. “By design, the electoral …show more content…

He is why we need to change the system to a popular vote system. Are election effect the entire world and we need to speak out to prevent from ever having a president that we didn’t truly want. Trump winning was prove that we are not being repented correctly because Hillary had 65.8 million votes to president Donald trump 63 million, are system is close, but no cigar. Trump winning the election was 304 out of 538 of the electoral votes, which is not the whole picture to what Americans want, but it is not what the people wanted, but most people didn’t want these parties of the enforcing of the two parties in the first place. The electoral college is holding back new system and parties, and this is an example after both presidential candidates were both hated, should tell us is this system will not get better, until we “the people tell and make popular that these system need to be