Persuasive Essay On Turkeys

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Every year, almost 50 million turkeys get slaughtered for Thanksgiving, and this is only U.S. Us turkeys lose dear family members every year to this treacherous “holiday” that celebrates the deaths of innocent creatures such as myself. Since the day I was born, my parents and others of our flock warned me about the dangers of going near humans during the month of November. Our flock is domesticated, meaning we lost the ability to fly, which made it much harder for me to get away when being captured. At a young age I was taught how to gobble, so I can give out distress calls to my family if I am in danger. Our sense of hearing is very keen, so my flock could be far away and still hear my cry for help. If I am really in danger, and my flock is nowhere near, I spend the night in a nearby tree and wait until the coast is clear. America is now consuming our fallen brothers and sisters almost twice the amount they were before, which means farmers and such are going to raise and kill even more turkeys than before. Having to live our lives in fear throughout the year is one thing, but making November the most unsafe month out of …show more content…

We never know who will be killed and eaten next, we lose loved ones almost everyday, and we constantly live our lives in fear of hunters. Don’t you think that one month of that multiplied by ten is very fair? You put so much stress on us, we even get heart attacks! Turkeys that resided in the Air Force test areas were to drop dead in shock over the frightening and loud sounds of jets passing by. Even though America does things to acknowledge us, such as naming a ballroom dance after us, and even building and creating more space for us to live, we still deserve much more respect than to just be fed corn and soybean, and be slaughtered left and right. This Thanksgiving, please think about the lives you are hurting before you dig into your

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