Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

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Pitbulls definitely qualify as one of the most stereotyped and misunderstood breed or category of dogs. They are believed to be fierce, dangerous, and vicious based on past and previous events and complications. But, not all pitbulls are described and portrayed in that manner. The laws that were being passed to ban dogs categorized as pitbulls were being passed by people who have experienced or heard appalling stories of events or complications and accidents caused by or involving a pitbull. Not all pitbulls are dangerous and alarming. Despite the fact that their instincts are to “hold on and not let go” as I read in the article Ohio Overturns Pitbull Bill, any pitbull that is vicious in any way would have to have been treated, taught, …show more content…

People used to have them around as their “companion” they even used to be a symbol for American Pride. So, pitbulls haven’t always had a bad reputation. Why do people think that the pitbulls themselves just decided to have a change of heart and decide to be aggressive. Based on what I read in Ohio Overturns Pit Bull Bill it states again, that pitbulls have the instinct that once they grab on they don’t let go, but, that means that they have always had that instinct and it is only getting recognized now. Pitbulls had that instinct back then, yet they were still loved, cared for, treated with respect, and people were not scared of them. So, when did this happen? When did pitbulls all of a sudden become harmful? As soon as human figured out how powerful they were, they started using them for dog fighting, they started using them as attack dogs used for drug dealers and gangs. That is when pitbulls started to get harmful and vicious. They were trained, taught, and treated to be that way. It is in no way the dogs fault except that they kept that image in their head and still continued to act that way, only because they were taught