Persuasive Essay On Why College Athletes Are Overpaid

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Why College Athletes are Overworked
College student-athletes are overwhelmed and overworked. Their intense sports schedule has left them little time to do anything else and resulting in many becoming depressed. Studies have shown that their coaches are having them practice more than double the time they are allowed. These intense environments have led to health problems, and even worse, death. College athletes are overworked with long practice hours, frequent travel, and their lack of time off, this is leading to many mental health issues.
College athletes are overworked from long practice hours. College athletes are overworked from long practice hours. “Officially, the NCAA restricts student-athletes' in-season practice to 20 hours per week, …show more content…

There’s more pressure put on student athletes to become better in their sport, and even train year around. Training year round results in a lot of extra time and travel. There's a lot of time spent traveling to and from games, practices, lessons, etc. “Game days count as three total hours, even though they often require travel and hours of pre- and post-game meetings and activities.” (Jacobs, 2015). Travel days are counted as off days for student athletes, they want this to be changed. Most coaches are most against changing the status. (NCSA, 2023). Student athletes have increasing demands these days and are pressured to commit to year-round training. There is a lot of travel time that is involved with this additional training, including extra practices, games, private lessons, etc. All of this additional training stress leads to burn out, because there is no time for …show more content…

The society now has the “more is better” approach, which frequently pushes athletes to exceed their limits. The commitment to a particular sport leaves no time off, and the demands to achieve keep growing. “There is a school of thought in American sport today that ‘more is better.’ Parents and coaches, perhaps dreaming of the spoils of athletic success, are encouraging kids at increasingly younger ages to specialize in a particular sport and to commit to year-round training in it.” (Kaufman, 2023). “Cutting-edge physical training programs frequently require overloading athletes to obtain maximum training gains. The pressures to do and achieve more keep growing, and far too rarely is consideration given to the costs of operating in this non-stop fashion. In reality, however, the human body needs recovery to thrive.” (Kaufman, 2023). Student athletes often get burnt out due to the exhaustion they put on their bodies. The commitment that student athletes are putting towards their sport leaves them with no other time to enjoy anything else. The pressures from the approach “more is better” requires too much time for the student athlete, and doesn’t allow free