Persuasive Essay: The Benefits Of Eating Dark Chocolate

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Title: The benefits of eating dark chocolate
Hello everyone, I will be talking about dark chocolate today.
Intro: (1min)
Attention Grabber/Hook used- Manufacturing dark chocolate in factories (30 sec)
1.Dark chocolate (also known as black chocolate] or plain chocolate) is a form of chocolate which has a higher content of cocoa butter and less milk than other forms of chocolate.

INSERT STORY on the history of dark chocolate(30 secs-1 min)
Many modern historians have estimated that chocolate has been around for at least 2000 years, but recent research suggests that it may be even older.
In the book The True History of Chocolate, authors Sophie and Michael Coe suggested that there was evidence of chocolate consumption, which stretches back three or even four millennia, to pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica such as the Olmec.
Anthropologists from the University of Pennsylvania also discovered cocoa residue on a pottery excavated in Honduras that could date back …show more content…

From the module 3 readings,I learnt that I have to consider my audience’s stock of information when crafting my speech.I believe in most informative speech, our audience will be vaguely knowledgable about the topic that we are presenting.Therefore,as a presenter,I need to explain the required definations or terms so that my audience are able to follow my speech.As I am presenting about Dark Chocolate,I have decided to share my audience about what dark chocolate is and I would be sharing a bit about the history of dark chocolate.This will be shared at the beginning of my speech.Thus,my audience will have an idea about dark chocolate and I could continue by explaining the 3 benefits of dark chocolate to them.I also learnt that I cannot be too technical when talking to my audience.This means that I cannot be too scientific when explaining my points to my audience.Therefore,my speech had to be written in a general manner and I would avoid using too technical words in my