Essay On Why Teenagers Cut

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Why do teenagers cut? “Before I made that first cut, before I started to harm my body, I thought I would be able to control myself. But with every cut I felt my pain going away and found the blood strangely addicting.” - Anonymous Cutting is a self-harm act that is nonsuicidal self-injury. You are deliberately hurting yourself, but you have no intention of committing suicide. Cutting is a way to cope with pain from strong emotions. It is a significant problem among adolescents. Teenagers may be dealing with feelings, and they feel they cannot fix or deal with the situation. Another reason as to why some people cut is because they are seeking some relief. Cutting is also a way to express emotions one is having trouble communicating such as …show more content…

Many think it is due to a teenagers peers and the images they see on social media. Peter Wanless, chief executive of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, stated, "We know this unhappiness is partly due to the constant pressure they feel, particularly from social media, to have a perfect life or attain a certain image which is often unrealistic. They tell us that the need to keep up with friends and the 24/7 nature of technology means they feel they can never escape or switch off, adding to the misery that many feel on a daily …show more content…

Those scars remind them of what they went through and how they can get through anything. In one particular story, the author, who wished to remain anonmyous, stated that when they look back at their scars, they are so proud when they say, “I defeated self harm.” The journey to not being able to self harm, is a long one, with many relapses but once your at the end, that feeling you get, is a feeling that no one can ever take away from

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