Essay On Why I Want To Study South Korea

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My parents were immigrants from Estonia with 16 children. They entered America with no knowledge of the language and young children in their hands. My mother worked multiple jobs to ensure we had food on the table, but what seemed like enough never lasted. My older siblings starved just so we could eat. Although, my family faced many challenges, we were blessed to come to a country that provided better opportunities. Making my father proud and being an example to my younger sister is one of the reasons for my desire to study abroad. At age fifteen, I shed multiple tears when I watched my father take his last breath after cancer devoured him. I will never forget the moment he apologized for his future absences. With all his strength he fought, …show more content…

It had some similarities to my native tongue, so pronunciations became less difficult. I studied the language until I graduated, and I was eager to continue learning Korean when I entered college. Unfortunately, EWU (Eastern Washington University) does not offer Korean. Which is why, studying in South Korea will have a significant impact on my language learning process. Speaking from experience I understand how important it is to live amongst the natives when learning their language. I will be challenged to practice the language consistently, which will only improve my …show more content…

One of the most popular areas of study at PNU is international business and as a student seeking a career in such a profession, what better place to further my education then PNU. South Korea has been a place I’ve wanted to study since my freshman year of high-school. The financial aspect overruled, and I placed my dreams on the back burner. Instead I did running-start and graduated at my local community college with my Associates Degree, then transferred over to EWU. Constantly, looking for an opportunity to study