Persuasive Essay: Why Marching Band Is A Sport

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Andrew Honigford Zimmerman English 10 Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Marching Band is Indeed a Sport When we think of sports we think of games like football or soccer but no one ever considers if band is a sport, people just think oh the instruments at halftime, that's so easy, no way its a sport, Well i'm here to tell you your wrong marching band is a sport through the physical exertion, amount of skill required and in the way the band is given points. One reason why band is a sport is, when playing and practicing marching band players go through rigorous amounts of physical exertion. “While a trumpet weighs about 2 pounds, arms must be held up continuously, putting stress on neck, back, shoulders, and arms for 7 to 10 minutes”(Koehler). After holding the weight for a long time, it can get …show more content…

It only meets the first two of physical exertion, and skill. It does not meet the criteria of having a set non opinion based points scoring system. Although yes marching may not meet all three criteria for it to be a sport it doesnt need to some marching bands are competitive, competing against other bands and there are plenty of olympic sports that do the same “such as gymnastics, diving, ski jumping, and figure skating, use judges' scores to determine the winner of a competition”(looney). Sports like band are not given points with a set scoring system but are judged and so don't meet the criteria of a set points system but these activities are still considered sports. so although marching band does not meet all the criteria, there are other sports that are just the same. In conclusion, marching band is in fact a sport. Through the physical exertion band members go through, the skill required, and the band focused scoring system, band should be considered a sport. And so I hope that you will now agree with me that marching band is a sport and outweighs the argument that it is not. Next time you're at a football