
Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Should animals have a bill of rights? No they shouldn’t since it would stop medical research .The enjoyment of zoos and aquariums would be gone if they got any rights.The amount of food we eat would change and we might not be able to eat animals.If animals got rights would we be able to have pets?

The world of medicine relies on animal testing so they can get a jump on the world’s diseases. We use monkeys to test on since they are close to us than any other animal so we test their reaction to see if it's useable on humans or not. We also use mice to do simple learning tests on how the mind works and see how thinking patterns work. We come up with vaccines to help cure the world and solve epidemics.If we give animals rights we will stop testing and will be a hault on disease fighting medicine . …show more content…

The aquarium is a place to show your kid the wonders of the sea. If we give animal rights they would take the fish and put them back in the ocean. Blackfish is documentary on how we treat killer whales in captivity and we take care of them shows why they might send them back in the wild to die. The memories of them will die out since their will be no generation of it. It will be in history books the animals of zoos and aquariums will be set free due to the new animal bill of rights.

Food is what we need to live in this world imagine if you got told you can't eat steak,eggs,or chicken

since animals have rights we can't eat any of them anymore. The animals got rights now it puts butchers out of jobs and a lot of packaging places this will hurt not just us also the economy. People would riot if they don't get what they desire .The world will be in a havok since their is no longer anything to eat except vegetables and

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