
Persuasive Formal Letter

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Dear Department of Education California, I am writing to you today in order to discuss the topic about abolishing the requirement of SAT and ACT tests. It is quite clear that many students that attend colleges and universities is required to take some kind of test and usually it’s the SAT or ACT test. I personally, propose that you rethink this policy because it doesn’t show the full potential of a student on his or her capability on learning. Some questions come to mind, does the tests even matter or does it even show the capability of the student or the student’s intelligence? In this letter I will support my claim that this policy involving SAT and ACT tests are insignificant or unimportant to the process of learning and teaching. In …show more content…

They know eventually they will take the tests and study hard for it or some doesn’t study at all because they think it’s unimportant. “The human mind is simply so complex and so multifaceted and fluid, that trying to find a single measurement tool that will be reliable across the enormous populations of American students is simply a trip up a blind alley. I would never say the SATs and ACTs have no predictive value for anybody; they have predictive value for some people. We just don’t find them reliable cross populations” this quote proves that students can’t be assess by a single measurement tool, a long-term measurement tool is a better way to assess a student’s capability of learning, because the human mind is too complex to be assess by a single testing method. Even though, the tests were made from good intentions, the tests are quite dreaded and loathed by the student body and personally me. It puts a great pressure on the student that knowing the tests could determine his or her future college. These tests were made to level the playing field of students, they were made to help students who did great on the test to be noticed or recognize by the institution. However, nowadays colleges and universities put a lot of consideration and even minimum scores in order to be accepted into their institution. In my opinion, this was not the way these tests are intended to be made, I think many colleges and universities misunderstood the uses of these tests, they focused more on these tests rather than seeing the hard-long hard work of students on their high school

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