Persuasive Letter About Drug Trafficking

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Dear honorable chair and fellow delegates. This is the delegate of France. It is her distinct pleasure to be able to participate in this conference representing France. This delegate hereby promises to take part in this conference with great enthusiasm and will show the best effort possible to make this meeting significant.

Drug trafficking is a transnational phenomenon, and includes the production, processing, transportation and distribution of drugs, and the laundering of the profits derived from this activity. The drug trade is still expanding, both geographically and in terms of its products. Several important trends in the drug-trafficking industry have become evident in the last few years. More and more states are being drawn into the …show more content…

murder). This is especially true in developing countries, but it is also an issue for many developed countries worldwide. In the late 1990s in the United States the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimated that 5% of murders were drug-related. In Colombia, Drug violence can be caused by factors such as, the economy, poor governments, and no authority within the law enforcement. After a crackdown by US and Mexican authorities in the first decade of the 21st century as part of tightened border security in the wake of the September 11 attacks, border violence inside Mexico surged. The Mexican government estimates that 90% of the killings are drug-related. A report by the UK government's Drug Strategy Unit that was leaked to the press, stated that due to the expensive price of highly addictive drugs heroin and cocaine, drug use was responsible for the great majority of crime, including 85% of shoplifting, 70-80% of burglaries and 54% of robberies. It concluded that "the cost of crime committed to support illegal cocaine and heroin habits amounts to £16 billion a year in the …show more content…

A recent survey by SMEREP emerges that one French student in four regularly smokes marijuana, which is among the most widely used psychoactive substances. According to the latest figures released by the Agence de sécurité du médicament, there are more and more cases of children intoxicated with cannabis, with an growth rate of 60% compared to last year. The substance is usually found at home and provokes serious consequences: respiratory, cardiac and neurological problems. An increase that goes hand in hand with the increasing consumption of marijuana within the general