Persuasive Letter Sample

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The members of the Rho Chi chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. at the University of Alabama in Huntsville is having a forum called “Black, White, and Blue” with a panel of different people to talk about the country’s crisis at the moment. It will be an honor if you the Mayor (Mr. Tommy Battle) can attend this event and be one of the speaker on the panel. We are sure that you are up to date with the events going on in today’s society, such as the deaths of the two black men and the police shootings. The members of AΦA has decided to host a forum on campus to allow an influential African American, Caucasian, and a police officer to speak on these issues. Please consider this letter as a formal invitation for this forum and we hope that you will kindly accept the offer. …show more content…

Well our advice told us that you have spoken on this topic before shortly after the shooting in Dallas. Since hearing this information, we decide to reach out to you to see if you would be interested in serving as the Caucasian speaker on the panel for us. We would really want you to discussion your perspective as a Caucasian male on the events that have been happening in our country over the recent months. It would really be more of your point of view, so you will be free to discuss whatever you feel comfortabl talking