Persuasive Letter To Email

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I am Jessica Liston. I apologize for not having time to email you sooner- my schedule has been really crazy. Ms. Watson was supposed to email you and fill you in regarding my Capstone placement. She has agreed to allow me to complete my hours in a 1st grade classroom. Given certain circumstances, Ms. Watson has also agreed to allow me to complete my hours from October 19, 2015 through November 23, 2015. This gives me five weeks and a day to complete the required “in class” assignments. I am in the classroom daily from 8:00-4:00 with the exception of one student holiday.
With that said, I have tons of questions on how to “modify” my assignments to make sure that I get them all covered. I do want you to know that I plan on following what the teacher normally teaches. I do understand that I am to submit lesson plans according to how Post wants them. I just do not feel that it would be beneficial to the students if I changed what they are supposed to be working on and will stick to the teacher’s regular teachings (if that makes any sense).
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Instead of having one theme the whole time I am there, could I “change” the themes according to what the class will be working on weekly/bi-weekly? For example, this week we have worked on Sun, Moon, and the Earth. For the next two weeks, they will be doing Fall. Can I change my theme accordingly?
2. 1st grade does not have centers nor do they do any activities outside and I am to “develop and implement one center and one outdoor activity daily”. Instead of a center, would it be possible to conduct a whole group activity that relates to something they are currently working on? For instance, if they are working on clouds, do a “mini” whole group activity on clouds? I do not have a “substitute” for an outdoor activity- so if you have one, please let me know since I see I have to create them throughout my

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