
Persuasive Organ Donation Essay

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The heart-dropping reality that every patient feels as they sign their life away to a waiting list; this is the experience that all transplant patients feel as they sign their name to a list that holds their life in its hands. According to Veale, on average about 13 people die every day waiting on a transplant. There are more than 100,000 names on the waiting list for kidneys in the U.S. and, to add to that, there are about 30 million people out there with a chronic kidney disease that could join it at any moment (Veale). Now, one may think how can one person take an action and help such a huge problem? Well, here it is: although there are many unknowns among the general public about organ donation, greater awareness needs to be raised through strategies such as paying …show more content…

But here’s the thing, not matter what kind of key is used to draw potential donors in there is always going to be a downside. Whether it is through money or broadcasting there is still people out there that need help. The Organ Donation Program need a broad number of supporters and are begging for help. The sad truth is that not everyone on the waiting list for an organ donation will receive one in time and hundreds of people who might be able to be saved will die. Organ donation allows the gift of lives to be given throughout the community to thousands of people every year (McGowan). These protectors state that organs should not be given up on some kind of black market just for an easy buck, and they aren’t. Organ donation can be as simple as checking the yes while at the DMV. If the government would make this a requirement it would help millions and millions of lives. Yes, live organs do last a lot longer and benefit the patient a lot more, but at the same time a kidney is a kidney. If more and more people agree to donate their organs after they have passed, we would not need live

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