Persuasive Speech Rhetorical Analysis

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When the speaker began setting up his speech, he started by relating himself to the subject of self confidence when it came to him being a soccer coach. As Ivan continued his speech he set his main points to the listeners. Ivan grabs his audience's attention when he presents his first main point; self confidence does not come that easily. Ivan supports his first point by stating that repetition brings self confidence and gets anyone to where they want to be. His next main point was self talk; believing in yourself because no one else will. Ivan also shared that it is important to get children when they do things right. His last main point was that people have to interpret things the way they intend to see them.
When Ivan began his first main point he seemed to have used ethos. He uses the means to convince his audience that the most important thing in a person is self confidence. Ivan states, “ without the skill of self confidence we are useless as a soccer player, because when you lose sight or believe in yourself we are done for.” He claims …show more content…

Ivan reports to us that, “we all repeat something but very few of us will really persist”. He uses pathos to convince the audience with emotion that many people decide to give up with the first tiny bit of failure that occurs in individual lives. Self confidence will not bring that problem because it will only help someone try their hardest to keep moving forward. He also believes that, “there is enough people that tell us we can not do it, that we are not good enough. Why do we want to tell ourselves that? We know for a fact that thoughts influence actions. Why do we want that negative self talk to ourselves? We need to get ourselves our affirmations.” With this statement, Ivan intends to get people to acknowledge that negative self talk happens a lot when trying to accomplish many things but that negative self talk will only make it