Peru Economic Problems

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Peru is classified as upper middle income by the World Bank and is labeled as the 39th largest in the world by total GDP. Peru is one of the world's fastest-growing economies with a 2012 GDP growth rate of 6.3%, and currently has a high human development index of 0.741 and per capita GDP above $12,000 by PPP. Poverty has decreased dramatically in the past decade, from nearly 60% in 2004 to 25.8% in 2012. Peru is an emerging, social market economy characterized by a high level of foreign trade. Its economy is diversified, although commodity exports still make up a significant proportion of economic activity. Trade and industry are centralized in Lima because it is the capital, but agricultural exports have led to development in all the regions. …show more content…

The majority of the population is by no way struggling for survival, and there is not a large amount of people who have obtained most of the currency, but there are more people who are economically instable than stable. Peru is not in danger of having too many young or old people depending on the working class due to those inactive people only totaling less than one third of the entire population. 94% of the population is part of the educational system and 94% of adults are able to read. Both these statistics are high, and signify that a majority of people are able to further their education. Having a good education is an essential to learning new skills that allow higher paying careers to be …show more content…

There are also man places in rural Peru that do have the capability for water pipes to be placed that allows water to always be available. Also water cannot be drunk straight from the tab like it can be in the United States. It has too much bacteria and would make a person very ill. Also almost no sunlight can be seen in the major cities of Peru, such as Lima. This is due to the excessive contamination due to the many factories in Peru. The sky looks almost completely gray throughout the entire year and when a person steps outside their clothes have a dirt substance all over them due to the pollution. Beaches are also treated very badly due to excessive littering and not much is due to clean it up. Countries that are more economically stable will deem environmental care a top priority, which means Peru is not sufficiently