Peter Ward's Release From A Mental Institution

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Upon his release from the mental institution it appeared that Mr. Ward left as a business man who left his job in order to spend time with his family. As his hallucination continued, he got home and was happy the very moment he spent with his wife and his two daughters, before he got to the stage of facing the reality that everything he was seeing was just a part of his own reality.
As he went back to reality then he noticed that the house was vacate and that was just a dream. He went back again to the time he was living with his family as normal without realizing that everything was unreal. Until a group of teenagers from the neighborhood went to the basement of the house where he caught them and chasing after them and at that time they …show more content…

Ann replied that the house have been closed since five years ago after the murder of his wife and his two daughters. He asked her if she believed he had committed the crime and she said that she did not believe that he killed his family. As he went deeper to find out what happened, he found out that he was hospitalized in a mental institution and was treated by a psychiatric name, he could not stand trial,but was later released because threre was not enough evidence to convince that he committed the crime. Then he found out that is real name was Peter Ward not Will Atenton.
As he tried to unfold and recollecting everything that happened on that night of the murder he went back to the old house to play back what had happened that night of the