Pharaoh's Curse Research Paper

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The “Pharaoh's Curse” is such an interesting thing to research, i had found so many cool things and theories about what caused the ‘curse’. Originally I thought that The Pharaoh's curse was a group of superstitious people who believed that the pharaoh had cursed them but after researching I found it was so much more.

To start off recorded scientists who have handled Egyptians Pharaoh’s mummified bodies had recently after showing signs of mental derangement and some other forms of diseases.
General inspector Engelbeck, an egyptologist had explored the tombs had found a curse tablet that stated “The spirit of the dead will wring the neck of a grave robber as if it were that of a goose.”
Engelbeck, still exploring had then found two corpses, one mummified in Egypt robes of a Pharaoh, and the other a missing grave robber who had shown signs of being killed by a stone that had fallen from the ceiling …show more content…

Since king Tut was the only Pharaoh to be found with a diadem some scientists believed that maybe his diadem caused a high radioactivity that caused high fever and paralysis but since heart attack and circulatory failure were associated people just wouldn't believe that the diadem had caused this ‘curse’ along the lines of theories there is also a fungus theory ‘The Egyptians knew of a type of nerve poison. Anciently, Egypt was the world's granary.
Ergot is a grain fungus. It can spread illnesses such as the "cold fire". The victim first suffers strong itching or tingling sensations in the fingers. Other symptoms follow, such as numbness of the body surface, muscle cramps, paralysis, and mental derangement.’ meaning some have reason to believe that the egyptians had cared for the young Pharaoh and had poisoned his tomb with narcotic fungi to protect him from grave robbers so he could live a happy afterlife. This is one of the theories had had made more sense than the theories “God had Cursed us” and “Tut has cursed