Pharmacy: Transformative Impact On The Healthcar Current Opportunity

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Section B Pharmacy Proposition I feel that the Pharmacy will be profitable with the figures that have been provided and the gross profit margin that is expected of the pharmacy I have come to the conclusion that the income will be truly higher than the expenses of the company. After I have done all the calculations with the figures provided it has come to my attention that the Pharmacy will make a profit of R 338,731.04 and this is with the expected gross profit. If the company could improve that margin by increasing sales and providing the market with more than what the other pharmacies in the area provide the profit percentage will increase which at the end benefits the annual profit of the company. The convenient pharmacy with trusted staff could play an important part in expanding the access of good products in healthcare to the community while driving cost down. However to make this transformative impact on the …show more content…

Providers are compensated for results rather than number of visits the patient has come in for, this will be increasing the incentive for physicians and hospitals to collaborate with pharmacists on improving patient’s healthcare. Technological barrier. The government has created incentives and a regulatory framework for adoption of portable records. These records will make it possible for pharmacists to work with physicians and hospitals to make the overall healthcare system more effective and cost efficient for the patient. First approach- is to build retail health centres that focus on healthy and at-risk individuals and that deliver a range of health and wellness services, such as health risk assessments and smoking counselling for those that wish to give up smoking. This healthcare function could first be implanted through the employees in the company that will help develop realisable

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