Philae Discovery

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Describe the Discovery or Invention:

Over 7 months ago, Philae, a space rover that was sent into space to assist the ‘Rosetta’ Spacecraft in exploring comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, was feared destroyed upon launch, as it had not responded to communications from the scientists on earth, but on the 15 of November, Philae sent a message back to earth explaining that he was still functioning. It was later discovered that upon arrival, Philae had landed in a channel on the comet and was deprived of sunlight, thus rendering his solar panels useless.
Scientists have begun to piece together what happened to the Popular Space rover and it is thought that on the 16 of September 2014, Philae was launched from it’s mother ship, ‘Rosetta’. Upon landing on the comet, Philae’s …show more content…

Many challenges were faced during the launch, deploy and invention of Philae.
As Philae was sent into space with the purpose of investigating the surface of a comet that was orbiting the earth. He was not able to be launched on earth all the way to the comet, therefore they had to deploy him off of Rosetta. One of the challenges with this is that Philae was and is not able to be steered, so, after it was launched off of Rosetta, Philae had no way of being directed to the comet specifically. Scientists had to hope that their calculations were correct and that he was launched at the exact right time.

Anther one of Philae’s challenges was that when he hit the comet’s surface, it’s landing harpoons failed to work. The whole reason that Philae was not heard fromwas becaue after his awry landing, he skidded, jumped and flew around the surface of the comet falling iinto a channel and then going into hibernation. Approximately 60 days later the suns rays hit Philae’s solar panels and he awoke.

What are some Technologies that were involved in the discovery of the object?/ Describe the Specific Characteristics of this Type of