Philip Rieff's Happiness Revisited

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Using the Philip Rieff essay Toward a Theory of Culture, and the Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s essay, Happiness Revisited, select a passage or passages from each essay that summarizes completely their respective views on the phenomena and concept of ‘culture.’ (There are many contained in each chapter so I suggest you don't choose the first one find) Using these passages, explain the differences and or similarities between how Csikszentmihalyi and Rieff frame culture.

Cultures that stimulate and facilitate creativity are those cultures in which information is physically stored in a more precise way than orally conveyed, that information that are available and available to all members of society and can be obtained by all …show more content…

Culture is, indeed, the higher learning. But, this higher learning is not acquired at universities; rather, it is assimilated continuously from earliest infancy when human beings first begin to trust in those familiar responses others make to their overtures.
“culture must communicate ideals, setting as internalities those distinctions between right actions and wrong that unite men and permit them the fundamental pleasure of agreement”
The secret to the vitality of culture is its historical continuity and communication. Culture originates in an organic form from its sources, and national self-interest exists in maintaining secular national consciousness from generation to generation.
Philip Rieff aims in developing adequate sociological theory by analyzing cultural change. Cultures’ notions, therapy, morality, religion and all of these have been reviewed. Now let’s take a look at how accurate Rieff in describing these basic concepts and their sociological interrelations in Triumph of the Therapeutic. Rieff reacts against approaches in social theory in which, he thinks, our view of these interrelations is blurred. One main example is the reductive way religion is commonly thought of in social theory.