Philippians: A Short Story

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You know most of the time we asked questions and something a we are afraid to ask questions but the questions we asked are very important and sometimes when we asked questions of single women in our season of waiting, we ask the Lord questions like, “What’s wrong with me?” “Why I ain’t got a man?” “How comes nobody is interested in me?” We say those things, “What’s wrong with me?” The answer my sister is nothing! Well, I mean {not that much} is wrong with us. I mean we all have a little something wrong with us but everybody does right but you know what it doesn’t matter. What’s wrong with us, you know what’s good with us is that we are good enough for God and if we are good enough for God we are good enough to anybody! We are good enough for …show more content…

You’ve heard it said over and over again, and I beg of you, don’t leave that on the table, put that in your heart and take it with you, because when you take knowing who you are with you when you walk in the confidence of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you walk with your head high and as you walk with your head high you see purpose in what God has for you and how He wants to use you. So every answer can be found in the word of God. Our hope as it said in Psalms 39 and 7 is in the Lord and sometimes we feel hopeless like it’s too late it’s over oh! It’s not too late!! God is preparing us when we talk about seasons I know I’m not a cook but I know when my daughter cooks she put seasons on the food, but not me. I just put it in the water and boil it that’s what we learn but God has seasoned us for this season. The question is will we allow Him to put a little bit more of that season on us? Proverbs 18:22 tells us that as we wonder why we can’t find a man. Proverbs 18 tells us ways to find a new man. Let me tell you what it says, it says “A man that finds a wife finds a good thing.” The reason you can’t find a man is because we have no business out there looking for one, I’m just saying, what we have to be willing to do is position ourselves, so if I say I want to sit down on a chair and I’m over here I’m in trouble but when we position ourselves to receive what God Has for us we don’t have to look we just position ourselves and when you place yourself you got it all in order from the inside out but a lot of time we’re trying to do the world system from the outside in, it don’t work cause you can be looking good from the inside out but your ugliness from the inside will still show up. When we position ourself in God, when we position yourself by getting His word, when we