Philosophical Health Check Analysis

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Philosophical Health Check
Jeremy Stangroom defines a Philosophical Health Check as “a test designed to identify tensions, or contradictions, between various beliefs one holds.” (Stangroom, 2015) Additionally he advises that the check does not “aim to identify which beliefs are true or false,” but the check attempts to identify “which sets of beliefs may not be compatible with each other.” (Stangroom, 2015) After taking the Philosophical Tension Check I discovered that 37% of the people, myself included, share a tension in our belief that there are absolute truths. Even though there is tension in my beliefs, I do not feel that they are truly in conflict.
While agreeing to “There are no objective truths about matters of fact; 'truth ' is …show more content…

If we were to assume that history books are non-fiction, based on either an individual’s own experiences, or a societies’ experiences, then these assumptions line up effortlessly with my previous belief. Robert Evans, a man far wiser than myself, once said “There are three sides to every story - yours, mine, and the truth.” Because the events being documented in history books are being written based off of an individual, or a societies’ experiences, it is hard to argue that their experiences are not their own truths. Those who feel that the Holocaust did not occur are really saying that the individuals who experienced the Holocaust first hand are …show more content…

I seem to recall one day, my brother and I were playing baseball out in our front yard with several friends. During the game my brother and one of our neighborhood friends broke out into a fist fight. When we finally broke them up and asked why they were fighting, my brother stated that our friend ran into him on purpose, while our neighborhood friend claimed that my brother ran into him on purpose. Being a bystander to the transgression, I was able to view the event from the side. Neither of them purposefully ran into the other. In fact, they were both so focused on fielding a ground ball they did not see each other. However, no matter what anyone said they were both convinced that their version of the story was the correct one. I think it was at this time that I founded my own truth. Each person experiences an event in their own way, and that is what they define as their