
Phoebe In Mrs. Cadaver's Walk Two Moons

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The book “Walk Two Moons” opens on Salamanca or Sal for short who was going to Idaho from Ohio with her grandparents to see her mother who was no longer with the family. While they are on the road her grandfather asks to hear a story so Sal tells her grandparents the story of Phoebe. She tells them about how she and her father moved from their huge farm back in Kentucky to a small neighborhood with close together houses in Ohio so that her father could be closer Margaret Cadaver who Sal did not like, Margaret’s (Mrs. Cadaver) neighbor was Phoebe. Soon, strange notes begin appearing on Phoebe’s doorstep and the only explanation that Phoebe’s young mind can think of is that there is a lunatic in the neighborhood. On top of this Phoebe’s mother
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