Photosynthesis Theory Of Procursinia Pestis And The Black Death

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This theory consists of the mean idea that one organism absorbed another and they united to become a new organism, with combined abilities of both.

About 2 billion years ago, the only living organisms on Earth were Prokaryotes. Three of them were:
A big simple blob-like cell, which has the ability to absorb things by wrapping its cell membrane around them.
A bacterial cell, that converted solar energy into sugar molecules through photosynthesis.
A bacteria that used oxygen gas to break down materials like sugar and release its energy into a form useful for life activities.

The blob cells would occasionally absorb the little photosynthetic bacteria and divided like they always had, and they became linked, theses bacteria …show more content…

Common sense direct us to ask, ‘what happen when a well-developed organism is exposed to a colony of bacteria?’
To answer this question I will use a well known historical fact. Yersinia pestis was the bacteria which caused the Black Death moved through the towns and communities of the 14th century in England. What was the result?
According to Dr. Mike Ibeji, “On average, between 30-45% of the general populace died in the Black Death of 1348-50. But in some villages, 80% or 90% of the population died (and in Kilkenny at least, it seems likely that the death-rate was 100%!). A death-rate of 30% is higher than the total British losses in World War I” (2011).
What happened in England is a fact about what happen when a bacteria invade an organism or a population; in the period of two years, the bacteria killed 80% or 90% of the population in same villages of England. Think about if this bacteria continues to infect people around the world for 2 billions of years, what could be the result? Life or death? Evolution or regression? New organisms or …show more content…

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