Physical Vs Spiritual Redemption Research Paper

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Physical vs. Spiritual Redemption
Bridgette Davis
Colorado Christian University Physical vs. Spiritual Redemption Within this paper, I will discuss the significant divine physical and spiritual redemption similarities and differences between Moses and Jesus Christ. The Bible speaks of these two major characters Moses the most significant of the Old Testament and Jesus the central stance of the New Testament Moses and Jesus's similarities are amazing. At Mount Sinai, God used Moses to intercede for the Israelites “You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, lest we die.” (Exo. 20:21). The Israelites requested that someone else speak to them from God, that is to say, a facilitator between Israelites and God. One of Moses essential prophecies comes from Deuteronomy, answering the Israelites petition.
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Jesus speaks God’s Word to the Israelites. Why? Jesus is God! Jesus two distinct natures: divine and human. (John 1:1,14). Rather, God’s Word connects with mankind (Col. 2:9). The Divine Similarities! of Moses and Jesus. In a lot of ways, Moses and Jesus are different Jesus who was God and Man saves all by His blood ransom we have been redeemed (Eph. 1:7). Moses was chosen by God bringing redemption and leading the Israelites out of Egypt (Exo. 2:1-24). On Mt.Sinai Moses gives the laws of God establishing the New Covenant between God and Israel (Exodus 19, 20:1, 24, 31:18; 34:1-35) and (Matthew5-7) Jesus Sermon on the Mount of Beatitudes. Moses offers his life in exchange for the people sins (Exo. 32:33). To save the world Jesus offers His life for salvation: Isaiah 53:12; Romans 5:12; 6:10; 2 Cor. 5:15-21; Col. 1:19-20; 2:14-15; 1 John 1:7; 2:2. Moses declines to live a luxurious life in Pharaoh’s house. Rather, Moses was a humble man (Number 12:3). Jesus rejected Satan’s proposal (Matthew 4:10) and lives humbly. The similarities between Moses and Jesus show their story exquisitely

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