Physician Assisted Suicide Essay

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Death, a word all too familiar to most of us. When we think of death, thoughts of darkness, sorrow, and grief enter our minds. The word death is not something that is thrown around loosely or the topic of every day conversation. Death is an eminent part of life and effects each and every one of us. We all know death is not something that is purposeful, does anyone want to purposefully die? Well the term Euthanasia has forever changed that. Physician Assisted suicide, is a purposeful choice by the patient or at the judgement of the Medical Doctor (MD) to end a life. As a Christian student nurse ready to enter the medical field, I believe that no man, but God has the authority to end life. For He created us and knows the beginning of our story …show more content…

The first instance of suicide appears in the Old Testament in the book of Samuel. Samuel talks about King Saul who is with his servant begging him to end his life. The servant refuses to kill Saul and in the end Saul falls on his sword, killing himself. The second instance in the Old Testament is Ahitophel who served as David’s counselor performed suicide by hanging himself. In the New Testament the most common story of suicide that comes to mind is Judas Iscariot. The guilt of turning Christ over the soldiers was too great and drove Judas to hang himself after Jesus …show more content…

As Christians we know this thinking is utterly wrong. To take the place of the job only God has is to surpass his authority as the Creator and the sustainer of our life. Christian’s have an eternal hope of heaven that overcomes the fear and power of death. Death is just stepping block to the ultimate paradise that awaits the believer. Psalm 23 verse 4 talks about the believer not fearing when walking through the shadow of death because we will dwell in the Lord’s house forever (Psalm 23:6). The assurance of a mansion that awaits us should cause a peace to flood our