Piaget's Theory Of Kinesthetic Children

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“Tell me and I’ll forget show me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand,” Chinese proverb. According to Piaget’s Theory, all knowledge comes from action. Thus from birth, babies actively engage and use the environment, and they construct their own understanding of it. For example, babies act on objects around them- feel, turn, bang, and mouth them. They grow in their knowledge of those objects through structuring their own understanding. Children learn best by doing because one, they are engaging in first-hand/hand on experiences. Two, bodily Kinesthetic children communicate well through body language and to be taught through physical activities according to Howard Gardner. Thirdly, they learn through experiment and involvement rather than listen to a teacher explaining the concept. In ordinary usage, children learn best when they are engaging in first-hand/hand on experience their minds are as active as their bodies. By handling objects and observing things in their world, children begin to compare them. They classify and sequence objects which relate them to the experience they had before. (Piaget & Inhelder, 1969) work fully documented that first-hand experiences are necessary if children are to learn, think, and construct knowledge. When children actually handle objects in their environment, they gain knowledge of the physical properties of the world in which they live. As they experiment with a wide variety of objects and materials, children learn that