Name: Grant King Interview Date/Location: December 18th, 2015 Virtual Interview
Grade: 4th Grade Content Area: Literacy - Writing
Common Core or Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Standard addressed:
Common Core 4th Grade – Writing - CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.3.D
Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.
(Please use 12pt font and do not go over two pages.)
Specific goal for your lesson: What do you expect students to learn (and be able to do) at the end of this lesson?
My main goal for this lesson is to teach each student to understand that in order for other people to understand what they are thinking, experiencing and writing about they need to use “concrete words, phrases
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(Eye - sight, Ears – sound, etc)
2) Students should be able to take an object in their environment and describe it using relevant senses. ( Pencil: Sight – Bright orange, thin like a stick; Touch – hard, smooth but brittle lead tips)
3) Students should grasp a better understanding for the importance of using sensory detail in order to better convey experiences and objects to their readers.
Evidence of Learning: How will you know if your students understand your lesson?
I will establish evidence of learning through two methods. First when presenting the lesson, I will ask students to identify on their own bodies which body part matches with which sense. This way I will be able to gauge whether or not students are grasping the foundation of the lesson. A student who is not able to identify the correct organ - sense match will need more work on identifying their own senses. Second, I will have a quick worksheet for students to work on that will allow me to determine whether or not the students are able to identity sensory words and concrete detail for an object by sense. A student who is not able to come up with descriptions based on a couple of senses will not have met the expectations for this lesson and will need additional