
Picturing History, Remembering Soldiers By Justin Court: Summary

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In Justin Court’s article Picturing History, Remembering Soldiers: World War I Photography between the Public and the Private (2017), he talked about the personal photos of German soldiers during WWI and how the photos can bring a new understanding of how war was like in this article. The point of this article is about history and memories of World War I and photos of the past is a big part of keeping the memories alive through learning about history. Court argues that comparison to many mass market illustrated histories of the war, private photo albums from World War I give viewers the opportunity to engage with history on a more evocative level, where memory is kept alive and understanding of the histories of World War I. Court went on and …show more content…

Court’s message of this academic article journal is that public photographs and private photographs give different meanings to the war because they are photographed with different motives. Not only that, but his main argument is that photographs can me powerful and affect people point of view. He stated that photo albums bring with them empathy that public photographs do not and therefore can be very powerful images.

In my research paper on William Henry Jackson, the message of this text is to inform my fellow discourse community that Jackson is an inspiring photographer that I respect. Not only Jackson is inspiring photographer to me but knowledge by other photographer like George Craven when he mentioned Jackson in his text Object and Image that, “But the best known of all the frontier cameramen was William Henry Jackson, who worked his way west from Omaha and was the official photographer to the Hayden Survey from 1870 to 1879.” The main argument is that
Jackson is passionate in things he does and nothing had stopped him and we should follow that thrive so we too will inspire

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