Pierre Elliott Trudeau's Role In Canadian History

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Pierre Elliott Trudeau was Canada’s 15th Prime Minister and a man that changed Canada. Trudeau was prime minister of Canada during 1968-79 and 1980–84, politician, writer and constitutional lawyer. He had accomplished many things throughout his years in office as he was responsible for introducing new laws and acts like the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Trudeau also brought in the Official Languages Act in 1969. This person is a significant impact towards Canadian history since some of his achievements include the 1980 defeat of Québec separatism, official bilingualism, the patriated Constitution, and the manifestation of the Charter of Rights. These achievements are just the tip of Trudeau’s life and success. Socially, Trudeau was well loved by the people, with the craze of Trudeau mania, it really put into perspective the pedestal that Canada’s leader …show more content…

There was one significant battle, which was D-Day and the Battle of Normandy in which Canadians were given the forefront of a siege. Operation 'Overlord' required the Allied nations to invade Europe. With massive amounts of detailed planning required to achieve the operation, it was essentially the most sophisticated stratagem that depended on the success of aerial and amphibious invasion between many nations. The Canadians in particular is of great importance to the operation, since our successful strike opened the floodgates to ease other nations with their invasions. The nightmares of trench warfare from decades past strengthened Canadian intelligence. Once again, Canadians proved that they were a nation who deserved autonomy, could lead a battle with diplomacy, and ultimately ensure victory on foreign soil. Therefore, D-Day was significant to Canadians because the valor showed promise to the other nations that we were a capable country that deserved