Piety Vs. Impiety In Plato's The Trial

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According to dictionary.com, Piety is defined as “reverence for God or devout fulfillment of religious obligations” (dictionary.com). There has been controversy about the exact definition of piety and how it applies. Some believe that it is more related to religion and others believe that it has more to do with morality. Piety vs impiety is the main topic of the first chapter, Euthyphro, in Plato’s The Trial and Death of Socrates. The chapter focuses on and follows the dialogue between the two philosophers as they delve into the true meaning of piety and impiety as a means to figure out how Socrates can defend himself in court.
The dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro starts off on the Porch of the King Archon and it is revealed that they are both involved in court cases. Socrates is being accused of having corrupted the youth and Euthyphro is trying his father for the murder of a serf. Socrates has sought out his dear friend’s help because he yearns to better understand the nature of piety. Despite the many ways that Euthyphro could have chosen to respond, he explains it as “doing as [he is] doing” (18). He justifies what he is doing, prosecuting his own father, by saying that the gods, specifically Zeus, have done the same. To Socrates, his response is blatantly insufficient and he challenges it by saying that …show more content…

He essentially repeats his previous statement that piety is learning how to please the gods and impiety is that which ruins and destroys the gods (36). This statement, much like the first, is questioned and refuted due to the fact that all of the gods do not agree on what is that which is pious, and that which is not. The true definition of piety remains unanswered to Socrates as Euthyphro leaves him with no concreteness, however, their dialogue does manage to give him a greater understanding of piety even with uncertainty of what it actually