Pigeon Toe Research Paper

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PIGEON TOE The medical term for the condition that causes the toes to point inward while walking is metatarsus varus or metatarsus adductus, but commonly referred to as pigeon toe or intoeing. This condition is most often seen in infants and children under the age of two, and may involve one or both feet. WHAT CAUSES PIGEON TOE IN CHILDREN? The most common root cause for pigeon toe is the baby being positioned in a crowed space inside the uterus before the baby is born, and often runs in families. The terms may sound complicated but more easily understood in lay terms. Metatarsus adductus One cause that shows up shortly after birth is a curved foot (metatarsus adductus). You will notice that the baby 's front part of the foot, at rest, …show more content…

For most, the condition is simply outgrown. For the few exceptions that require surgery, the out-look is also positive. Children heal fast and the surgery is a relatively easy one. BOWLEGS IN CHILDREN In children up to about 18 months old, bowlegs is a common condition due to how their positioning in the womb. Once they begin to stand and walk and their legs start to bear their weight, the legs begin to straighten. If their legs are still bowed by around age three, they are considered to have bowlegs. Bowlegs can be recognized by knees that do not touch when the child stands with ankles touching. HOW IS IT DIAGNOSED? Your pediatrician will follow your child 's condition throughout his or her routine examinations. Visual examinations can lead to the diagnosis. While the child is lying on their back, the distance between the knees will be measured. X-rays may be ordered if your healthcare provider is concerned about your child 's bowlegs after the age of three, if the condition worsens, or test results suggest disease. Individuals with bowlegs may experience knee pain and eventually may develop arthritis in one or both knees.