John Yokoyam Business Analysis

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The culture and the mission of an organization are special tools that propel the development of the business and naturally stimulates the contributions employees and managers make towards that mission’s accomplishment. The Pike Place Fish set a mission statement to be “World Famous!” To achieve this, John Yokoyama, the owner, and his consultant, Jim Bergquist developed four principles. These principles are; the principle of personal responsibility, principle of co-creation, principle of creating vision of power and possibility, and the principle of allowing for discontinuous results.
First of all, Yokoyama entreats his workers to administer personal power in taking personal initiative. That is to say, the worker has a value to take charge …show more content…

Before his takeover, the Fish market management uses conventional management theory, inherited from Frederick W. Taylor’s mechanical worldview of people in the workplace. This approach entreats workers that there is “only one best way of doing things” which in effect must be geared towards achieving the organizations goals but not to recognize the emotional and personal development of the worker(Troelsen, N. L. pp. 17-18). Therefore, the early manager of the Fish market administer the staff as ‘object’ whose opinions do not …show more content…

They saw the workers as human beings are, at their very core, are powerful and creative beings. To this wit, creating and running a business or an organization is fundamentally a creative endeavor, probably more akin to conducting an orchestra or coaching a sports team than it is to operating a machine. Rokoyama moves from recognizing “workers as numbers” to self-development and collective good.
Coaching therefore becomes a special tool for workers’ transformation in Pike Place Fish. Each individual in the company holds a special talent which coalesce into the success of the company. Therefore, each worker set his own goal in a team he finds himself. The team meets biweekly to access the feedback for their development. Furthermore, the management staff points out the dos and dons of each team on the “sixth sense” scale (Dudeja, n.d.). One spectacular thing underlying the coaching process is that everyone is a