
Pinkerman's Level 3

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I find Officer Martin’s Level III (Electronic Device) Use of Force to be within Division policy. I also find Officer Pinkerman’s Level I (Physically placed onto the ground) to be within policy. Mr. Youngs appeared to be in a mental crisis, had previously harmed himself before officers arrived on-scene, and was in need of immediate medical treatment. Mr. Youngs was not following the commands of officers and attempted to run back into his apartment, where he could have obtained a weapon and caused further harm to himself. Once Officer Martin grabbed Mr. Youngs’ arm, he attempted to pull away and began to kick at other officers and flail his arm. The Level I response by Officer Pinkerman was based off Mr. Youngs’ actions and were reasonable to prevent Mr. Youngs from entering the residence. Once on the ground in the doorway to Mr. Youngs apartment, Mr. Youngs tightly held his arms under his body and would not follow commands to stop resisting. Not knowing if Mr. Youngs possessed a knife or any other weapons on his person, Officer Martin followed her training and …show more content…

Youngs had nothing further to add, so I concluded the interview. I took photographs of Mr. Youngs apartment, the abrasion on Mr. Youngs forehead, as well as where the Taser probes penetrated his upper back. The photographs are stored in the “U” drive, in folder “Hurst, L” and under incident number “160183081.” An incident report was completed by Officer Pinkerman Report# 160183081. Officer Martin turned in the spent Taser cartridge (SN#C41041HTD) with two probes, barbs still intact, but wires disconnected, to the property room, property number 16004654. The spent Taser cartridge was marked to be kept for two years. Mr. Youngs was provided with a Taser aftercare form. I find no negligence on behalf of Officer Martin or Pinkerman regarding the minor injuries sustained, or any additional injuries Mr. Youngs may later claim as a result of this incident. I recommend no further

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