Pros And Cons Of Plagiarism Essay

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Methods for researching in order to avoid plagiarism. This essay will be primarily aimed at discussing methods of researching an essay in order to avoid plagiarism. Also the essay will talk about what plagiarism means, forms of plagiarism and finally how to cite sources properly. Plagiarism is a very serious academic offence. It involves the taking of another person’s piece of work or idea without giving the person appropriate credit. Plagiarism can also be the presentation of another’s work or views as your own with or without their consent. It is usually as a result of recklessness or by intention . Research is the ability to embark on a series of activities with the ultimate aim to find out more about a particular case study, …show more content…

Another useful method of avoiding plagiarism is by taking notes of all sources that will be used to write the essay, this is very important because the writer will be able to view all the sources used doing the writing of the essay and cannot forget to cite a source also if the writer gets more sources during the course of writing the essay the writer should immediately write it down as well. Finally, the writer should always review the essay to make sure all possible sources where properly cited . In general the best way to avoid plagiarism is to make reference/properly cite all sources used in the process of writing an essay. Referencing is basically just the act of acknowledging an author, it is admitting that not everything in an essay was totally the writer’s idea. Referencing is the best method of avoiding plagiarism. The importance of referencing cannot be over emphasized because plagiarism is an academic offence that is not treated with levity by various universities. See flanaghan v university college, Dublin . This case will show how serious universities and other educational bodies take plagiarism. Referencing