
Reign Of Terror Essay

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The Reign of Terror was a bloody and important event during the French Revolution. There was several leaders such as Georges Danton, who was a prominent lawyer and became one of the orator during this period of time. This research paper will be go deeply into Georges Danton’s political views and evolution. He was involved politically with the Cordeliers Clubs and was a member of the Committee of public Safety. The thesis of my research paper is: Danton, the leader during the Reign of Terror, who wants to help the population. However, he changed his political views because he wanted to arrest and stabilize the Revolution with the intention of creating a new constitution, and consequently he became a victim of the Terror. For the research, the card catalog in the library or JSTOR, EBSCO, SAGE Journal are beneficial because they are listed by title, author, and subject. After founding a …show more content…

The 4 X 6 are using for complete bibliography and the 5 X 8 are using for citations, and are classified by subjects. Those index cards are easy to organized and helpful to create the paper outline. Also, while we are talking about a subject we can pick up those cards and use the most important citation. This is the best way to doing my research because it will be easier to write my paper later. The most important is to find the thesis and then this is leading to books and articles needing for the topic. In this way focusing on finding books and checks if they are primary or secondary sources for my paper. By doing my research before that will help citing my sources in my paper. Then, these sources are helping prevent plagiarism because those citations are from credibility sources.
Using the index cards are helpful because we can change our paragraph around and see which one we want to put first. Also, after reading the rough draft, having those cards are essentials to make any kind of changes for the final

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