Plague Catastrophes

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Plague has been responsible for some of the worst catastrophes in the story of humankind, and than once changed the course of history. (Dobson 8) There was a terrible plague that went through Europe and killed millions of people.
There are many different ways to obtain the plague. Bacteria named Yersinia pestis evolved into one of the most deadly killing machines (Dobson 8) once a harmless bacteria later then evolved and became one of the most deadly bacteria’s. (“Reseachers”06a) Bacteria is transferred through fleabites into the blood (Dobson 10) the plague of Justinian was one of the many known black plagues.
Bacteria pass mainly from fleas to rats. (Dobson 10) Fleas bite rats and get it and then when the rats had it they would spread it to people. (Dobson 10) lots of rats die in one group making the disease much worse. (Dobson 10) When fleas run out of rats to eat they go after humans and spread the disease that way (“Plague”1) …show more content…

The disease travels from person to person through air by coughing, sneezing, etcetera. (“Plague 1”) Travels from people on boats to the places they take anchor in and they may have been poisoning water and the Jews were blamed for it (Dobson 13) Jews were proclaimed to be poisoning wells with it as it spread from family to family from husband to wife. (Dobson 7) The plague was spread by partner’s girls to boy’s boys to girls spread person to person in a rampaging way it affecting almost everybody and what caused it was droplet spray of bodily fluids. (Columbia Electric

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