Planned Parenthood: A Case Study

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There is a proverb that many of us are familiar with: it takes a village to raise a child; our village is missing something crucial and needs to provide medical and educational services regarding maternal and reproductive health.
In British Columbia, there are health centres that fit the bill described above: Options for Sexual Health in East Hastings and Island Sexual Health Society in Victoria. Both can be inaccessible for women living in Delta; it 's too much travel time and cost, which some women ( specifically teenagers ) cannot accomodate into their lifestyles. There are four Planned Parenthood centres in New York City; four reproductive and health care centres to five boroughs, offering an array of women an incredible service with ease. These are a specific organization 's …show more content…

It was one of the two locations listed on a website, but there were no other prominent advertisements for it to let women become aware that it is an opton for them. It took key-terms and half an hour of browsing to find this location; it shouldn 't be that difficult. We should put emphasis on judgement-free health care practitioners. Teenage girls may be afraid to talk to their family physcian about pregnancis and birth control or they may need additional advice they can 't provide; for this reason, visibility for health centres that cater to females could be beneficial. They could encourage teenage girls to speak up about their predicaments or prevent them entirely. These centres that are specifically for women can handle patients with a greater amount of care and expertise that a physician or hospital may not be capable of. For example, Planned Parenthood has a RESTORE program that aids women that have been victims of sexual assault, abuse, or rape; they offer free counseling to guide victims through what happened and support in reporting the crime and ensuing court hearings. These are things that a hospital or physician might not be able to do, but a health-care centre for women