Plato And Descartes Research Paper

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Philosophy is an activity people commence when they seek to understand the fundamental truths about themselves and philosophers ask question and try to answer. Similarly, both Plato and Descartes disquiet themselves with the idea of rationalism, yet they both approach the concept of rationalism and knowledge attainment in different level. Plato is making convincing argument, signifying that rational inference is necessary for knowledge acquisition. His ideas are based on reasoning and understanding. Where as for Descartes, knowledge is essence of things that comes through sense and logic. The senses are not always reliable; it is very likely that people are consistently tricked. Both Plato and Descartes argument is valid since knowledge can …show more content…

The main form of idea is God. In Plato, Socrates gives images of the ascent from disordered opinion to orderly knowledge, the image of the divided line. In the divide line, Socrates has explained the being (intelligible) and becoming (visible), where in being he has express the knowledge and thoughts that have two form: upper form and lower form. Goodness, justice piety and beauty lies in upper form and mathematics lies in lower form. And in becoming he has placed opinion rights, belief and imagination like physical objects, reflections. Thus, knowledge is what is certain and true and opinion is what is fallible. Plato has originated two requirements for true knowledge. Knowledge is only possible of what is, and not infallible. In Plato, Euthphro argues that he have a knowledge of pious and impious. According to Euthphro, the pious is loved by gods because it is pious and the pious is pious because it is loved by all the gods. Giving to his argument “the pious is pious because it is loved by all the gods “ is that the principle of something being pious that it is loved by all the gods. That means all there is to being pious is being loved by all the gods and if any thing is loved by the gods, it is pious. And gods hate anything it is impious. According to Plato, God is above everything and God grant right knowledge to