Plato's Allegory Of The Cave And Flowers For Algernon

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Flowers for Algernon relates to Plato's ¨Allegory of the Cave¨ more than people think because the basic meaning behind the two stories is similar. Plato's ¨Allegory of the Cave¨ provides a deeper way of understanding Charlies struggles in Flowers for Algernon. When the prisoners are chained up in the cave, not having any knowledge of the real world, it resembles how Charlie feels before his surgery. Charlie has been writing progress reports down in a notebook for the professors to see his progress. In one of his reports, he writes ¨Some times somebody will say lookit Frank, or Joe or even Gimpy. He really pulled a Charlie Gordon that time. I dont know why they say it but they always laff and I laff to¨ (Keyes, 23). This situation is an example