Plato's The Allegory Of The Cave

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In his 7th book called The Allegory of the Cave, Plato gives us the idea of that we are all prisoners stuck in a cave looking at a wall. This is where we all start in the words of Plato because we are imprisoned in a world of images. The key thing that Plato points out is that we do not actually realize that these images we see are not reality. When in fact they are just images that we do not usually realize but since we are imprisoned we see them more clearly. He goes on to talk about these prisoners lives are ordered by our capacity for imagination. The thing about the prisoners however is that their imagination does not give them their overall knowledge of the world. They can not possibly know what the real world holds especially when the …show more content…

This is just like in our lives when we are born into something and we do the same thing over and over again each day for the rest of our lives. This is when we are in the cave and looking at these images going past. Plato then starts to give us the idea that what if these prisoners are forced to leave the cave and venture out elsewhere so they do not have to look at the wall anymore. This is when we are scared to change the way we do things like doing something everyday for the rest of our lives but you change it anyway because you know it is for the best. Once they begin to leave the cave they are confronted with physical objects instead of these different images. These different objects are now real life scenarios, which are on the path we take and the obstacles that we are forced to face. These obstacles could be a fear we might have or something we may not like to do but in order for one to be happy and succeed on the path they must face these objects. Once we start to venture we have a choice to make. We either stay in the cave and are forced to look at these images or we continue to interact with these physical