Plessy V. Justice Brown Essay

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separate railway cars for both colored and white persons. The act further went on to describe that these railway care are supposed to be equal but may be separate and that person of each color should sit in the designated car. Mr. Justice Brown went on to explain that the second section of the act describes the punishment for anyone who wishes to occupy a car that is not I their designated area, those punishments are either a fine of $25 or could lead to imprisonment for no more than 20 days. The driver also has the power to deny services to any person who does not follow these two sections and they will not be liable for damages in the courts. Justice Brown further stated that it is not able to be known that Plessy was 7/8 Caucasian so based on his appearances he was directed to the colored car and that was appropriate. …show more content…

The 14th amendment was not in conflict because that deals with someone being deprived of life, liberty, or property and equal protection in laws. Plessy was not deprived of life, liberty or property because it was a state law that separation was necessary constitutional. Touching on the fact that Plessy is 7/8 Caucasian Mr. Justice Brown states, “It is up to the state, some holding that any visible admixture of black blood stamps the person as belonging to the colored race, others that it depends upon the preponderance of blood, and still others that the predominance of white blood must only be in the proportion of three fourths.” After this court decision it enabled the foundation for Jim Crow laws to be put in place and stay there till mid