
Plot Summary Of 'The Most Dangerous Game'

1062 Words5 Pages

Nicole Seong
English 1
Conflict within a Story
Stories, in general, have five parts to them. The exposition, which is typically where the main characters are introduced and other background information. Then comes the rising action, and this is when the characters start to face the conflict of the story. Next would be the climax, and this is where the conflict is actually known and faced by the characters. The fourth part would be the falling action, and that would be the part where the conflict is slowly coming to an end. At this point, the readers will start to see how the character is coping with the problem and what they will do to resolve the conflict. The last part would be the resolution, and this is where the character has …show more content…

The rising and falling actions sole purpose is to show where the characters are in the conflict. In “The Most Dangerous Game”, the main conflict is that Rainsford, a hunter, ironically has to outsmart the General, who just hunts humans for his own amusement. The rising action in this short story would be when Rainsford tries not to drown in the ocean and makes it to the island where General Zaroff is living. After this, Rainsford goes off and meets the General where he starts to find out what the General is really like. The falling action of “The Most Dangerous Game”, would be when Rainsford swims to General Zaroff’s mansion and hides in his closet. All these parts are connected to the conflict of the story, which is what brings the story together. The conflict would also lead to the theme of the story. With every mistake comes a lesson learned and authors tend to show the theme of their story by using the conflict. Everything is connected within a story, the exposition is connected to the theme and so on, but the conflict is what ties in the story. In literature, conflict is important because it helps improve the story. Whether it improves the plot or the theme of a story, the conflict helps with the overall

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